Sunday, 15 December 2019


Dear Itu,
This is the beginning of my book.

"Electric shock!?" asked Neha terrified.
"Dear God, please don't make me go through this,"she prayed. She was in unbearable pain and she couldn't take any more.
Dr.VSR Raman spoke reassuringly. He was a renowned psychiatrist.
"General anesthesia," he said, looking troubled.
Neha was relieved. She sank back against her chair and breathed freely. She wasn't very tall, five feet. The lines of fatigue and hopelessness were etched on her face. A pleasant but ordinary face, now unrecognizable.
She suffered from Manic Depression, commonly known as Bipolar Disorder. It can be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. The patient is ecstatic when the chemical is in excess and sinks into an acute meaningless depression when it is in deficit.
Neha was on the verge of suicide. She hated herself . She thought she deserved to die. No one in her family knew what to do with her. She had attempted suicide twice. People kill themselves sometimes to end their suffering from a constant low. Everybody was afraid for her, everybody being her family and friends.

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