Tuesday, 8 May 2018


I have come across doctors of all kinds. Some are good and some are bad. The good doctors can save you. The bad ones can kill you.
I have a Bipolar Disorder. Consequently I have had to visit doctors from my teenage years. They came in all shapes and sizes. Some were male and some female. My first doctors were general physicians. They dismissed my illness as examination fear. I was giving my school final exams when I had my first attack. One of them even said I just had a very bad case of worms!
I was shunted from one doctor to the other. They did their best I guess. But even the psychiatrist misdiagnosed my illness. He said it was an ordinary case of anxiety.
Then came the doctor who thought he could make a lot of money out of me. He couldn't diagnose me correctly either. When I asked him what was wrong with me, he gave me a string of highly technical and incomprehensible words. I could understand nothing. He took a sizable fee from me at every session and tried to prolong the treatment as long as he could. I stopped going to him after sometime.
I was correctly diagnosed after my son was born. I asked the doctor how he could be so sure that I had a Bipolar Disorder. He said his expertise, experience and my case history showed that I was Bipolar. But the good doctor was furious that I had questioned him. He conveyed this to my husband who was extremely annoyed with me because I had dared to open my mouth.    
The next psychiatrist I went to was quite good but he panicked when I went high. There are two sides to my illness. I can become very badly depressed or go into a state of ecstasy. He gave me medication to bring me back to normal. Instead I plunged into depression. It took me a long time to come out of it.
At last I met a doctor who not only diagnosed me correctly but also cured me. By that time I was fifty years old! I have a very good doctor now who not only medicates me but councils me. I am really very fortunate. But this doctor practices in a different city, so I am forced to go to another psychiatrist. She is a very beautiful woman but she gave me medicines that made me exrtremely fat.I am trying to lose all that weight now.  
I am generally very fond of my doctors and I get along well with them. They are mostly good people but prone to human errors. When they go wrong the patient is in trouble. Still by and large, I would say that I am rather grateful to them

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