Wednesday, 22 March 2017


I am a manic depressive. This is a mental disease. It is better known as a bipolar disorder. There are two extremes to it, mania and depression. When you are depressed, a continuous, meaningless feeling of despair grips you. It can go on for weeks, months and even years. By the end of it, the patient is in a suicidal mood. Many patients have committed suicide unable to bear the pain anymore. Others have attempted suicide.
Please don't get the wrong picture. This disease can be controlled. But people must know more about it. I have written about it in a book called 'AFRAID TO BE HAPPY'. I will soon be posting excerpts from this book.
Do not worry. This book is not a long, rambling medical book. It is a novel containing the  experiences of a very dear friend who is also a manic depressive. It is in the form of a story which I am sure you will laugh and cry with.
Please read the excerpts. I am a new writer but the novel is mostly true with a dash of imagination. 

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