Sunday, 16 December 2018


Paripurnata means fulfillment. It is the name of the charitable rehab center that I work for. It is a half way home for mentally diseased patients. The patients are treated free of any cost and are even provided with medicines, once their disease is under control. These medicines are also given free of cost and the patient can come and collect them for a lifetime if needed.
It is the brainchild of a doctor named Joyce Shiromani. She built this center to fulfill a dream of doing something for the poverty stricken. The center is run on government grants. It only admits female patients.
The poor, mentally diseased women are one of the most unfortunate members of society. They are born to illiterate parents who are ignorant about mental diseases. Their illogical behavior makes them the brunt of ill treatment and abuse. They are considered to be 'mad', and since the family may not know any better, they are taken to quacks for the treatment of their 'lunacy'. Naturally the witch doctor is not able to cure them. The patient has to endure mental and physical torture as the parents may think that a good beating would straighten everything out!
Rarely are they taken to a qualified doctor who can make a correct diagnosis. Even if he does and sends them to a psychiatrist, the fees are prohibitive. Either the patient languishes in his agony for the rest of her life, or, unable to handle her unreasonable behavior any longer,her family drives her out of her home.
Once she is thrown out, the patient wanders around the streets, lost and broken. The police pick her up, and either sends her to jail or to a mental asylum. The patient might languish in jail for years or be trapped in a mental asylum with abysmal conditions.
Paripurnata rescues such patients and give them a safe haven where they can survive in peace till their disease is under control. The center is clean and healthy and the patients are made to learn various skills which would make them a valuable member of society. In the serene atmosphere of the center the patient is able to relax, rest and recuperate.
Even if they have been thrown out of their homes, they are taken back, once the disease is under control. The management of the center convinces the family that she is well and able to live a normal life. Sometimes it takes a lot of persuasion. But generally their is a happy ending.