Wednesday, 22 November 2017


I have Bipolar Disorder. I have to take medication for it. Unfortunately all these medications have side effects. My hands start trembling. So much so, that I can't lift a glassful of water without spilling half of it. It was time to pay a visit to my doctor.
The doctor was worried. The medicine was causing a serious physical disability. He didn't want to experiment on me. So he gave me a medicine to stop my tremors. The good news is that the medicine worked. The trembling stopped. I was able to write out a check. I was able to put on my eye make up.
But the med got me depressed all over again. I started crying for the slightest reasons. I was on Lithium which had caused the tremors, but had controlled my depression. Now that Lithium was discontinued, I went back to depression. It was neither as intense nor as longstanding as before, but it was there.
 The doctor had no alternative but ti prescribe an anti depressant. It got me out of my sadness, but made me 8 kgs heavier. So it was discontinued after some time but I am back into depression. I can neither lose weight nor get rid of my depression. My doctor has reassured me that the depression is temporary. It will settle down after sometime. I dearly hope so.